Just being. (Sublime)
A finger-print of natural and accepted madness.
Point 1. How it starts.
Being well implies feeling sublime. It is imperative, as everybody needs a single point in which to concentrate their presence, otherwise they would feel they miss something.
Being healthy,
Begin successful,
Being free,
Being independent,
Being in control,
Feeling sublime, having a SINGLE master point of concentration, in the material thinking of somebody, does equal into his consciousness as being the highest.
-highest in feeling itself,
-highest hearing
-highest in looking
-highest in smelling
-highest in everything of him self.
So, while you BE, exist, live,
You either
1. feel you are the best of yourself (you just can't do better now, you are satisfied)
2. feel you are the best [and you don't bother to think "of yourself" anymore].
Nr. 2. gets augmentated with thinking at others, while the sublime remains (you continue to BE YOURSELF, while you think at others too; you are not self-centered, egomaniac).
=It Equals=
you feel you are the best, with/while other people (exist too).
you feel you are the best, %$###$% other people (they exist too).
you feel you are the best of all other people (it's just a feeling).
you feel you are the best of all other people (it's not like you really ARE the best of all people).
In other words,
After long years (like about 12-14), everybody thinks himself is the best thing on earth since tap water.
However, it is NOT a feeling, it is a mental reality (like block houses, or telegraph wires, for instance.)
Just being = Just Being the BEST. (it's just a feeling) And the feeling is real.
After long years of life, everybody gets his particular being as the best he can do / his possibility can do / the best his position can do, unlike those poor Africans / the best feeling with so much burden / the best thing doable against the bad chances / the best achievement against enemy conditions / the best action to take against opposing chances / the best deal out of the pack / the best strategy against enemy circumstances / the best move against the enemy / the best in present position against the always evil enemy (evil dice of the devil, bad luck, bad chance (God doesn't)) / the best thing in this class against common fate and evil enemies / the best against my enemy / the best, better than all those under, against the evil enemy / the best, better than "those inferiors", against the enemy and chance / the better against the common enemy / the better / the best / the most / the best / the best of all possible against the enemy / the only against the enemy / the best in class against the worse and the enemy / the best in class, against the worst and the enemy / the best in class, against the worst, inferior, the Africans, the islanders, the peasants, and the enemy / the best against the enemy / the best against the enemy / the best against the enemy / the best against the enemy / the best against the enemy / the best against the enemy /
Point 2. How it continues.
Every man fights for EVERY problem by directly fighting his greatest enemy, directly under his conscious mind, in his subconsciousness.
3_Consciousness - Every problem is fought as itself.
2_Sub-Consciousness - Every problem is fought as the greatest enemy.
Every man positions himself against a problem as the sublime, aesthetic counter-measure of his greatest enemy. Every man lives for sublime and beauty, his weapons in conquering the enemy.
If someone fires a match he is putting light over his superior aesthetic to his enemy's bad, destroying conduct and consistence.
Evil is ugly.
Good is beautiful.
I like pancakes = I dislike my enemy with pancakes.
I drink water = I dislike and fight my enemy with drinking water.
You name it = I fight my/the great evil with |You name it|.
There is no action taken without being part of one's fight over his evil. Plain doing something IS ignoring your evil or being asleep. All the human mind is to be balanced over the antithesis of two opposing points, if we want any sublime, that is unitary and understandable content of us, our ego, our selves.
Nobody wants himself to lack an ideal, to be plain, ordinary, without a special meaning, nobody wants himself to be schizoid, inferior, unequal, weak, stupid, boring, etc.
Having no sublimating aesthetic idea about what to do next means to be unable to do something. Either you address everything as pleasure or enemy, or you get clueless in different circumstances and fail.
Being oriented pyramidally in any situation is the key to being dynamic. No orientation towards failure or success, based on the ideal of pleasure, results in information being learned chaotically, having no categories or classes, shallow memory, lack of will and direction, and generally failure and low expectancies.
It is a crime to ask somebody to conform with the objective truth, if it's presentation is not a categorical and pyramidal one, having the ordering made by judgments of pleasure as ultimate value. It is a crime to not build your perspective over life by judgments of pleasure. It is a crime to function in society and do not understand it's components' laws by your personal judgments of pleasure. It is a crime to not understand another man's pleasure with your personal judgments of pleasure. It is a crime to not be able to feel real, rewarding pleasure when dealing with the strictest necessities of rational life, rules, laws, method, mechanical facts, numbers, formulas, and all other "cold" facts of life.
It is a crime to ask somebody to think clear, like without feelings. That is no objectivity. Total and mostly irrational feelings of pleasure must be laid on top of reason, without having a negative effect upon it, to provide the body with a purpose that the mind already understands as necessity.
Do you agree? Or do you dislike me with what you're doing next?
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